HCI Assignment

Based on your observation (interface, interactivity, information etc) towards your selected video conferencing application, list down at minimum of Five advantages and Five disadvantages of the software. Refer to the Heuristics Evaluation Principles to help you with the process

1. User control and freedom (provide ways of following user to easily escape from places they unexpectedly find themselves, by sing clearly marked "emergency exits"

Advantage: Zoom meetings provide "leave meetings" buttons so it easily for user to escape or leave meeting when it's end 
Disadvantage: User can leave meeting whenever they want even the meetings not done yet 

2. Visibility of system status (always keep user informed about what is going on, through appropriate feedback within reasonable time)

Advantage: Zoom meeting provide system status which means the name of students will popup on top whether they are in or left from the meetings
Disadvantage: It can be annoying if the name always popup on top and can disturb student to focus during the class

3. Help and documentation (provide using information that can be easily searched and provides help in a set of concrete steps that can easily be followed)

Advantage: Zoom provide host or user to share link through chat and also make screen record during the meetings.
Disadvantage: User that enter zoom using their phone, they cannot attach with the link that already sent earlier. 

4. Recognition rather than recall (make objects, actions and option visible)

Advantage: Host can see everyone face during the meetings if other's user open their camera
Disadvantage: It's not suitable for user that using smartphone 

5. Match between system and the real world (speak the  user's language, using words, phrases and concepts familiar to the user, rather than system-oriented terms.

Advantage: Zoom meeting using using a universal language that is English 
Disadvantage: Zoom need to provide language option for user to choose rather they want to use a universal language or other's 
